Tryout Locations:
Fox Valley Park at Indian Hill Rd, Goldens Bridge, NY
(Near Increase Miller Elementary School - 300 yards from school; Rt. 138 Goldens Bridge).
Onatru Farm Park at 99 Elmwood Rd, South Salem, NY
John Jay High School Contest Field, 60 N Salem Rd, Cross River, NY (U15-U19 ages)
Tryout Protocol
All Trialists must register for tryouts and should arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the start of their Age-group Tryouts. Players will check-in at the Tryout Registration Desk and be assigned a wearable Tryout number. Parents may accompany the player at check-in and fill out any information on the day. Parents are not permitted to speak to the coaches during Tryouts, only at the end and should not enter the playing field area which is designated for coaches and players only.
Explaining Player Growth, Development and Relative Age Effect
During tryouts we assess a players readiness for playing on a travel team and competing within divisions in the WYSL. Kids grow and develop at different rates and we want to place them in an environment that provides a mixture of success and challenge for their development, too much of one (too easy or too difficult) can be detrimental to development. This is why we assess players at tryouts to try group them with relevant competition for their development needs now. For more information on Player Growth, Development and Relative Age Effect see the video below from our Director of Coaching.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I choose which Birth Year (age-group) I want my son or daughter to Tryout? NO. You must only attend your child's actually Birth-Year Age-group Tryout as listed on the Tryout Schedule unless instructed otherwise by invitation from our Club Director of Coaching.
Who decides whether my son or daughter can play up or not? All decisions on whether a player is competent to play up or not will be determined by our Club Director of Coaching through discussions with the Team Coach, Player and family. All decisions take into account the needs of the player, the needs of the group and where the child is not just technically, but physically, socially, cognitively, playing age v competition age v training age etc. There is a lot that goes into the suitability of these decisions as we want to ensure players make the roster that's appropriate for them and their needs.
How will it be determined whether my son or daughter makes the Black, Purple or White team? We evaluate each player during the Tryout v players in the same Age-group that attend over the two-week Tryout period and take into consideration their development needs, potential and ability levels based on how much we know about each child from the previous Seasons. All decisions are made objectively and with the Child's needs at the center of the decision.
Do I need to attend both Tryouts listed over the two-weeks? How important is this? and What if I can't attend any of these dates or only one week? We strongly recommend that you attend both weeks Tryouts as this allows us to be able to properly evaluate your child based on who is also Trying-out for the same teams. If you are unable to make one of the Tryouts but you can make the other week, you need to email our Club Director of Coaching as soon as possible. If you are unable to make either Tryouts, we can't guarantee there will be a place for your child on the team but should there still be a space available, we will look to hold Make-up Tryouts during the Summer months and prior to the Season starting in Fall.
Will there be cuts or is it guaranteed if my child played for John Jay before, that they will make team regardless? If players aren't suitable for a team or program, we will encourage them to consider alternative programs we offer that may be more suited to their ability levels other than Travel for example as not everyone is right for Travel/Premier (Competitive) soccer. We don't like the word cut (we talk about 'redirection') where we would try to find a place somewhere but it may not be on the team you're hoping for, depending on your child's ability levels. No child is guaranteed a spot, as every year we hold Tryouts to see who is capable of making the team.
What do I need to bring to tryouts? All children should wear soccer attire including shinguards, and footwear suitable for the playing surface (grass) and bring their own ball, water, and any personal medical supplies you may need.
Once I arrive, where do I go? Upon check-in, players will head to the playing area and parents if they wish to stay and watch, will be directed to a designated viewing area.
When will I find out if my son or daughter made the team? The week commencing the 5th June, offers will be emailed and sent out to everyone who attended Tryouts.